Orders and Payments

  • When you place an order for Products, EVERYDAY NOVEL collects certain personal and transactional information (e.g. name, address, email address). For details on how EVERYDAY NOVEL uses this information, please read EVERYDAY NOVEL’s Privacy Policy.
  • You may pay for the Products which you order online by supplying your credit/debit card details on the secure online order form OR by paying cash on delivery. EVERYDAY NOVEL regrets that it cannot accept cheques, paper gift vouchers, or similar payment modes on the website.
  • When you place your order, EVERYDAY NOVEL’s system automatically asks your card issuer for authorization for the transaction amount. If EVERYDAY NOVEL gets a valid authorization, your card issuer will hold this value expecting a charge from EVERYDAY NOVEL. Receipt of your credit card details and debit of payments does not constitute EVERYDAY NOVEL’s acceptance of your order.
  • Some products are on pre-order. To pre-order these products simply add to bag and proceed with checkout. The release date is the scheduled date on which the product is available in our stores in the UAE. Our suppliers provide this date and is subject to change without notice. Once you place the pre-order, your card will be charged and your product will be reserved as soon as we receive the stock, on or after the release date. You will receive an order confirmation by email right after you finish your transaction. As soon as your product is with us, you will receive a notification by email or SMS.
  • EVERYDAY NOVEL accepts orders for Products subject to availability. If for any reason the Products you ordered are no longer available, EVERYDAY NOVEL will contact you using the contact details you supplied when placing your order and either:
  • offer you an alternative Product of equivalent quality and price if this is possible;
  • or cancel the Product from your order and give you a full refund in respect of that Product.
  • Suppose EVERYDAY NOVEL is unable to contact you or do not receive a response from you. In that case, EVERYDAY NOVEL will process any remaining Products on your order and refund you for the Products EVERYDAY NOVEL was unable to supply.
  • Products are invoiced in AED at the price prevailing at the time you place your order. Although EVERYDAY NOVEL tries to ensure that all prices on the Website are accurate, errors may occur. If EVERYDAY NOVEL discovers an error in the price of Products you have ordered, EVERYDAY NOVEL will contact you as soon as possible. You will have the option of either confirming your order at the correct price or canceling it. If EVERYDAY NOVEL is unable to contact you, EVERYDAY NOVEL will treat your order in respect of the incorrectly priced Product as cancelled.
  • If you order products, you agree to pay the full amount payable for such Products as indicated during the order process, along with any shipping costs or other charges applicable to that order. If the issuer of your credit or debit card refuses to authorise payment, EVERYDAY NOVEL will cancel your order and contact you for an alternative method of payment. EVERYDAY NOVEL cannot be held responsible if this results in a delay in dispatching your order.
  • It is your responsibility to keep track of the status of your order.
  • Please note that EVERYDAY NOVEL cannot guarantee the security of data that you send to EVERYDAY NOVEL by email. Accordingly please do not send EVERYDAY NOVEL payment information using email.
  • Unless EVERYDAY NOVEL acts either fraudulently or negligently, EVERYDAY NOVEL will not be liable to you for any losses caused as a result of unauthorised access to the personal and transactional information you provide to EVERYDAY NOVEL when placing an order.
  • If you are under 18, you acknowledge and warrant that you have permission from your parent or guardian to use this Website and purchase any Products.

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