
Asked Question

  • How do I place an order at everydaynovel.ae?

    Placing an order at everydaynovel.ae is very quick - simply pick your products and add it to your cart and then you will be ready to go.

  • Can I place an order over the phone

    At the moment you can only place orders online. However, our team are working super hard to make telephone ordering a possibility in the near future...watch this space!

  • How do I know if a product is in stock?

    We do our very best to ensure that our products are always in stock. In the event that an item goes out of stock, we'll make sure we tell you on the product page so you don't get a nasty surprise at the checkout!

  • Will I receive confirmation that my order has been successfully placed?

    Yes, we keep you fully informed throughout the ordering process. As soon as your order has been processed, we'll send you an email confirming all the order details.

  • What are the standard delivery charges in the UAE?

    When you place your order, we'll let you know exactly how much the delivery charge will be (if applicable. Some orders are eligible for free delivery, if this is the case, the cost will appear as 0..

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